Hiring for Aptitude: Rethinking Employee Qualifications

Historically, organizations have posted job descriptions with a detailed list of qualifications necessary for applicants to be considered. One unintended consequence of this hiring practice may be the formation of rigid, hierarchical, bureaucratic organizations. Technological advancements have led to a marketplace where the external force to change is nearly the only constant. To remain competitive organizations must be ‘built-to-change’, efficient in terms of today’s performance and also flexible in responding to environmental trends and developments (Palmer, 2017). One way to achieve this is to hire people with initiative, who like change, who are quick learners, and want development rather than basing hiring decisions solely off of certifications or previous achievements (Palmer, 2017). When hiring for our business, The Gathering Place Coffee Co., we were intentional about building a team of leaders that would continually be looking for new opportunities, rather than hiring experienced baristas, and taught them the necessary skills to produce a quality beverage.

While some industries may require specific certifications (medicine, law, etc.), the vast majority of companies need to evaluate their traditional structure and company culture and begin to plan for organizational change.  Failure to do so may leave them unable to adapt and remain relevant.

Beautiful latte made by one of our employees who had no barista experience prior to being hired six months ago.

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Palmer, I. (2017). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach. New York, NY. McGraw Hill Education.